Member MPOs
Member Maps
Member Information
- Website:
- Address: 240 Pin Ave., Ste. 300, Albany, GA 31701
- Population: 96,025
- 2010 UZA: 95,779
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO: Attainment
- Lead: No Data
- NOx: No Data
- PM10: Attainment
- PM2.5:
- SO2: No Data
- Designation and Structure: Eight-member Policy Board; Policy Boar voting members include elected officials, State DOT.
- Committee Structure: Technical Committee - local engineering and planning advisory board; Citizen Advisory Committee - citizens appointed by local governments.
- Program Activities: Travel Demand Forecasting - TRANPLAN software; Socioeconomic Data Forecasting; Air Quality; Congestion Management System; Intermodal Management System; Safety/Accident Studies; Freight Planning; Traffic Counting; Travel Demand Forecasting - ARC INFO softw
Athens-Clark County
- Website:
- Address: 120 West Dougherty Street Athens, GA 30601-2613
- Population: 130,000
- 2010 UZA: 106,482
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO: Attainment
- Lead: Attainment
- NOx: Attainment
- PM10: Attainment
- PM2.5: Attainment
- SO2: Attainment
- Designation and Structure: Technical Coordinating Committee, Policy Committee and Citizen Advisory Committee.
- Committee Structure: TCC - reps from GA DOT, FHWA, local governmental authorities, and citizen reps from each county, GA DOT, Navy School, UGA - currently designated at citizen-at-large; rep from Oconee County named to each committee and Planning Commission reps for Madison
- Program Activities: Travel Demand Forecasting - TRANPLAN software; Socioeconomic Data Forecasting; Congestion Management System; Intermodal Management System; Traffic Counting; GIS - ARC INFO and ARCVIEW software.
Atlanta Regional Commission
- Website:
- Address: 229 Peachtree Street NE, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30303
- Population: 5,077,500
- 2010 UZA: 4,515,419
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour: Non-Attainment
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone:
- CO:
- Lead:
- NOx:
- PM10:
- PM2.5: Non-Attainment
- SO2:
- Designation and Structure: Authorized by state law and memorandum of Agreement between ARC, GDOT and MARTA; 39-member Policy Board includes local elected officials and citizen members. ARC is planning agency for Transportation Element of SIP.
- Committee Structure: Transportation Coordinating Committee (technical committee - 30 members), Transportation & Air Quality Committee (policy committee - 32 members - both with representatives from 18 counties, state & local transit providers.
- Program Activities: Transit planning; freight planning; corridor studies; bike/ped planning; ITS planning; travel demand forecasting (Citilabs Cube 4.1.2); GIS (ESRI ArcGIS 9.2); air quality conformity analysis; vehicle emissions modeling; TCM analysis; congestion management studies; land use planning; commuter assistance - ridesharing, telecommuting, guaranteed ride home, employer outreach; and socioeconomic studies - socioec data forecasting, job access/welfare to work, economic development
- Website:
- Address: Augusta Planning and Development Department Augusta- Richmond County Municipal Building 535 Telfair Street, Suite 300
- Population: 386,787
- 2010 UZA: 335,630
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour: Attainment
- Ozone, 1 hour: Attainment
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO: Attainment
- Lead: No Data
- NOx: No Data
- PM10: Attainment
- PM2.5: Attainment
- SO2: No Data
- Designation and Structure: Policy Board- 14 voting members representing elected officials in Georgia and South Carolina.
- Committee Structure: Technical Committee - planner, engineers, transit staff; Citizens Advisory Committee - private citizens; Policy Committee - elected officials and DOT representatives.
- Program Activities: ADA Planning; Long Range Transportation Planning for Highways, Transit; Congestion Management System; Accident Studies; Travel Demand; Socioeconomic Data Forecasting; Intermodal Planning; Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning, Transportation Improvement Program, Regional Freight Study.
- Website:
- Address: 1725 Reynolds Street, Suite 200, Brunswick GA 31520
- Population: 79,964
- 2010 UZA: 51,024
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO: Attainment
- Lead: No Data
- NOx: No Data
- PM10: Attainment
- PM2.5:
- SO2:
- Designation and Structure: Authorized by Memorandum of Understanding; 10-member Policy Board; Policy Board voting members include local elected/appointed local officials, State DOT, airport, port, chamber of commerce.
- Committee Structure: Technical Committee; Citizen Advisory Committee; Policy Committee.
- Program Activities: Travel Demand Forecasting; TRANPLAN software; Socioeconomic Data Forecasting; Safety/Accident Studies; Long Range Transportation Plan; Parking Studies; Thoroughfare Plan.
Cartersville Bartow
- Website:
- Address: 135 W. Cherokee Avenue, Cartersville, GA 30120
- Population: 100,157
- 2010 UZA: 52,477
- Year MPO Designated: 2013
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO: Attainment
- Lead: Attainment
- NOx: Attainment
- PM10: Attainment
- PM2.5: Attainment
- SO2: Attainment
- Designation and Structure: Not specified
- Committee Structure: Technical Advisory Committee (TCC), and the Policy and Coordinating Committee (PCC)
- Program Activities: Socioeconomic Data Forecasting; Long-Range and Short-Range Transportation Planning and Programming (for highways and transit); Congestion Management; Corridor Studies; Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning; Coordinated Transit Planning; ADA Planning; Parking Studies; Development reviews
Coastal Region MPO (CORE-MPO)
- Website:
- Address: P.O. Box 8246 110 East State Street Savannah, GA 31412-8246
- Population: 260,677 – Savannah Urbanized Area Population based on 2010 census
- 2010 UZA: 260,677
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour: Attainment
- Ozone, 1 hour: Attainment
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO: Attainment
- Lead: Attainment
- NOx:
- PM10: Attainment
- PM2.5:
- SO2: No Data
- Designation and Structure: Authorized by Memorandum of Understanding; 23-member Policy Board (CORE MPO Board); The membership of the CORE MPO Board shall consist of elected officials of the local government entities or their designees, GDOT representative, as well as modal representatives from the transit and airport.
- Committee Structure: Policy Committee ("CORE MPO Board"); Technical Coordinating Committee; Economic Development and Freight Advisory Committee; Citizens Advisory Committee; Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation.
- Program Activities: Travel Demand Forecasting; Socioeconomic Data Forecasting; Long-Range and Short-Range Transportation Planning and Programming (for highways and transit); Context Sensitive Design; Congestion Management; Corridor Studies; Sector Studies; Commuter Assistance Rideshare/Carpool Planning/Guaranteed Ride Home/Employer Outreach; Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning; Coordinated Transit Planning/JARC/NF Planning; ADA Planning; Parking Studies; Intermodal Planning.
Columbus – Phenix City
- Website:
- Address: 420 10th Street Columbus, GA 31901
- Population: 220,698
- 2010 UZA: 253,602
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO: Attainment
- Lead: Attainment
- NOx: Attainment
- PM10: Attainment
- PM2.5: Attainment
- SO2: Attainment
- Designation and Structure: Not specified.
- Committee Structure: Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC), Technical Advisory Committee (TCC), and the Policy and Coordinating Committee (PCC)
- Program Activities: transportation planning, land use, air quality, historic preservation, urban design, subdivision plat reviews
- Website:
- Address: 301 W. Crawford Street, Dalton GA 30720
- Population: 93,379
- 2010 UZA: 85,239
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: No Data
- CO: No Data
- Lead: No Data
- NOx: No Data
- PM10: No Data
- PM2.5:
- SO2: No Data
- Designation and Structure: Designated by Governor
- Committee Structure: Policy Committee, Technical Coordinating Committee, Citizen's Advisory Committee
- Program Activities: Long Range Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, Transit Planning, Unified Planning Work Program; Freight Planning, ITS Planning, Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning, Land-use planning, Socioeconomic Studies.
- Website:
- Address: 3rd Floor, Hall County Government Center 2875 Browns Bridge Road Gainesville, Georgia 30504
- Population: 93,379
- 2010 UZA: 85,239
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: No Data
- CO: No Data
- Lead: No Data
- NOx: No Data
- PM10: No Data
- PM2.5:
- SO2: No Data
- Designation and Structure: Designated by Governor
- Committee Structure: Policy Committee, Technical Coordinating Committee, Citizen's Advisory Committee
- Program Activities: Long Range Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, Transit Planning, Unified Planning Work Program; Freight Planning, ITS Planning, Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning, Land-use planning, Socioeconomic Studies.
- Website:
- Address: 100 Main Street. Suite 7520, Hineville, GA 31313 (Office is in Rm 2100)
- Population: 70,563 (2010 MPA)
- 2010 UZA: 51,465
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone:
- CO:
- Lead:
- NOx:
- PM10:
- PM2.5:
- SO2: No Data
- Designation and Structure: 16-member Policy Committee, 21-member Technical Coordinating Committee, and 18-member Citizens Advisory Committee
- Committee Structure: The Policy Committee (PC) is made up of the chief elected and appointed officials from all of the municipalities within the HAMPO region of Liberty County and a portion of Long County, as well as executives from the local, state and federal agencies conce
- Program Activities: Long-Range Transportation Planning (for highways and transit); Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning; Intermodal Planning; Socioeconomic Data Forecasting; Comprehensive Planning
Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission
- Website:
- Address: 200 Cherry St., Suite 300 Terminal Station Macon, GA 31201
- Population: 176,000
- 2010 UZA: 137,570
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour: Attainment
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO:
- Lead:
- NOx:
- PM10:
- PM2.5: Attainment
- SO2:
- Designation and Structure: Authorized by Intergovernmental Agreement; Planning Agency (MPO-Macon Area Transportation Study) for Transportation Element of SIP; sixteen-member Policy Committee; Policy Committee voting members include local elected officials from Bibb County; City of Macon; Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority: Jones County.
- Committee Structure: Policy Committee; Technical Committee; Citizen Advisory Committee.
- Program Activities: City of Macon and Bibb County 2040 Comprehensive Plan; Transportation Improvement Program; 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan; Conformity Determination Reports; Transit Planning; Corridor Studies; GIS Arcview; Land Use Planning; Socioeconomic Data Forecasting.
Rome/Floyd CPC
- Website:
- Address: 607 Broad Street Rome, GA 30162-1433
- Population: 81,251
- 2010 UZA: 60,851
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour: Attainment
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO: Attainment
- Lead: No Data
- NOx: No Data
- PM10: Attainment
- PM2.5:
- SO2: No Data
- Designation and Structure: Authorized by Intergovernmental Agreement; ten-member Policy Board; Policy Board voting members include local elected officials, State DOT.
- Committee Structure: Technical Committee - transportation specialists and key staff of member jurisdictions; Citizen Advisory Committee - citizens and representatives from Rome Transit Department; Policy Committee - City and County Managers and Commissioners, GA DOT, FHWA, CA
- Program Activities: Travel Demand Forecasting; Socioeconomic Data Forecasting; Congestion Management System; Intermodal Management System; Safety/Accident Studies; Traffic Counting mapping information software.
Valdosta-Lowndes MPO
- Website:
- Address: 1937 Carlton Adams Dr. Valdosta, GA 31601
- Population: 109,702
- 2010 UZA: 77,085
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour: Attainment
- Ozone, 1 hour: Attainment
- Ozone: Attainment
- CO:
- Lead:
- NOx:
- PM10:
- PM2.5:
- SO2: No Data
- Designation and Structure:
- Committee Structure: Policy Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, Citizen's Advisory Committee
- Program Activities: Crash Analysis, Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning, Corridor Analysis, Travel Demand Modeling, Transit Planning, Freight Planning, etc.
Warner Robbins MPO
- Website:
- Address: 610B Watson Boulevard, Warner Robins, GA 31093
- Population: 148,283
- 2010 UZA: 132,467
- Year MPO Designated:
- Other Jurisdictions in MPO Area:
- Nonattainment Status:
- Ozone, 8 hour:
- Ozone, 1 hour:
- Ozone:
- CO:
- Lead:
- NOx:
- PM10:
- PM2.5:
- SO2:
- Designation and Structure: Designated by the Governor with Memorandum of Agreement between Cities of Warner Robins, Perry, Byron, and Centerville and the Counties of Houston and Peach, Robins AFB, Middle Georgia RC, and GDOT in cooperation with FHWA.
- Committee Structure: Policy Committee, Technical Coordinating Committee, and Citizens Advisory Committee
- Program Activities: Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, Unified Planning Work Program, Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Transit Feasibility Study.